Latest News Item from G2 Solutions

Just as rust never sleeps, science and technology continue to evolve. Whether the technology is aligning field data through geospatial technology, or backend analysis and or data acquisition through cloud computing, we commit to being informed and exploring evolving technologies and new scientific discoveries to most effectively communicate the best analysis and the most appropriate solutions for you.

We have acquired years of experience in the management of quality assurance systems, occupational health and safety systems; with personal involvement in major projects in the water industry, the petrochemical industry, the gas industry, electronics research and development and in education and training.

G Squared Solutions is a Corporate Member of the Australasian Corrosion Association Inc. and actively engage with and draw on resources available through peak bodies such as Consult Australia and the Australian Pipelines and Gas Association

Llama Blue

We are a full service digital partner to our customers. This means we can help your business with website hosting, web design, domain name registration and hosting, business grade email, professional online stores, electronic marketing like MailChimp and a lot more. Llamablue is in the business of designing and hosting websites for small and medium-sized businesses. We’ve been around since 2009 and now have customers all over Australia and around the world.